
How To Improve Customer Experience Centers?

Customer experience centers are one of the best chances you have to showcase your brand for potential investors and other key audiences. With that in mind, it’s important to put your best foot forward when creating these spaces. Some of that starts with asking the right questions. But, as you’ll see later, a lot of it comes down to finding the right tools for the job.

Thankfully, at Alleo we thrive on helping companies discover just how impactful their brand interactions can be. The future of customer experience centers is here, and with just a few simple steps (and a pretty handy piece of software), you’ll know just what your customer experience center needs to improve. First, let’s start by defining what exactly it is we’re improving.

What Is the Meaning of Customer Experience?

Customer experience is the sum of responses a customer has to your company, from start to finish. People often use this term to describe individual-level experiences with your product or service, such as the buyer’s journey, call centers or product satisfaction. But in the context of a customer experience center, this term takes on a new meaning: it becomes about experiencing the brand. It’s still a linear experience, yes, but the parameters are quite different. Part of designing your experience center is understanding these differences, so you can take full advantage of them.

Product-based customer experience is:

  • Focused on your product or service
  • A static experience the customer has on their own
  • An organic timeline that varies for each person
  • Driven by the product

Brand-based customer experience is:

  • Focused on your company’s brand
  • A curated experience you build with your customers
  • A curated timeline that you decide on
  • Driven by the customer (with your help!)

Customer experience centers are all about brand-based customer experience. They give you an opportunity to make the strongest impression on investors possible because you design how the experience will go. While you cannot necessarily control how customers find your brand organically, in your customer experience center, you have the power to decide how, when, and what attendees engage with. What’s more, these centers allow your customer to design their own experience with your brand. Once you’ve set the stage, their input (and feedback) will drive you both to new insights and discoveries.

All of this is great news for your brand! The trick, though, is knowing what to do with that power. Let’s look at some examples of improving customer experience centers.

5 Ways To Improve Customer Experience Centers

Whether you’ve already built your customer experience center or are designing it for the first time, here are five ways to think about what could improve customer experience:

#1: Make the Experience More Interactive

No one wants to sit through hours of meetings and be talked at—no matter how interesting your ideas are. And one of the benefits you have with a customer experience center is the space to have intentional, meaningful interactions with your attendees. Think of your experience center less like a meeting room and more like a convention center: workshops, interactive displays, showcases, and even Q&A panels can be part of how you curate the experience. Also, keep in mind that this is a chance to truly get to know your audience. Incorporating times where they can provide input on what they’d like to see lets you then guide the experience around their interests—maybe even in real time, if you’re prepared for it.

#2: Focus on Your Key Takeaways

While it’s tempting to throw all the fancy bells and whistles you can at your attendees (and you should, somewhat), it’s important to remember what your main goals are for your experience center. What do you want your attendees to leave with? Do you want them to leave having learned something, or inspired to change something? The best brand experiences are memorable because the customer walks away with something they didn’t have before, whether that’s new information, a fresh perspective, or positive experience of your brand overall.

#3: Prioritize the Digital Experience

Focusing on digital components may seem counterintuitive at first, but think about this: your potential attendees are busy people, and chances are some of them won’t be able to attend in person. Virtual events have become an integral part of today’s society, so if your virtual attendees feel like they’re missing out by not being in person, your experience center will suffer. Think of ways to drive collaboration equity in your space; virtual whiteboards and digital polls are just a couple of ways to do this with Alleo. Make sure everyone has an equal seat at the table, whether they’re in person or in another country.

#4: Invest in (Good) Technology

In order to do the previous method well, you’re going to need good software. But don’t worry—you don’t need to pay a dozen subscription fees to get the tools for success. Take Alleo, for example: our tools can augment just about any version of customer experience you’re looking for. It can even enhance your day-to-day operations as a company. You’ll be able to have all the features you need through one provider, and more easily streamline your process in your experience center and beyond.

#5: Build the Physical Space Around Your Experience

The world renowned architect Frank Lloyd Wright once said “form and function are one,” which couldn’t be more true for customer experience centers. Before you start buying nice furniture and picking out light fixtures, you should have a well-defined idea of your space’s goals. Decide on what people will experience, how (and when) they’ll interact with it, and what they will walk away with. Remember, you’re not designing a space; you’re designing an experience

How Can Customer Experience Be Improved? #WithAlleo

Alleo is at the top of customer experience center design. And with our technology at your fingertips, you can be at the forefront of your industry. Our platform encompasses everything needed to build a great experience for your investors, as well as your workforce. Just a few of the features include:

  • Interactive whiteboards for brainstorming, creating, and real-time collaboration
  • Templates for engaging activities, icebreakers, and other ways to connect with your attendees
  • Presentation tools designed to accommodate a virtual, hybrid, or in person environment

Our platform’s excellence speaks for itself. Take a look at just a few things Alleo is capable of, or schedule a demo and see it firsthand!


Picture of Megan Van Zutphen

Megan Van Zutphen

COO of Alleo